How to get your stamp or seal
It's your responsibility to get your stamp or seal. Request your stamp or seal from a rubber stamp company, and make sure it contains all of the following:
- State of Washington
- Registered professional engineer
- Your license number
- Your name as shown on your wall certificate
Structural Engineer Seal

Professional Engineer Seal

Approved designs
The approved designs for engineer stamps and seals are shown above. You may use them in any size, as long as the stamp or seal is fully legible.
How to use your stamp or seal
- Your stamp or seal should be under your control at all times.
- If you're both a professional engineer and a professional land surveyor, you must have a stamp for each license.
- The only branch designation allowed on a stamp or seal is "Structural engineer." Other specific branches of engineering (civil, electrical, mechanical, etc.) aren't allowed. You must be a currently licensed structural engineer in Washington to use the structural engineer stamp.
Land surveyors
How to get your stamp or seal
It's your responsibility to get your stamp or seal. Request your stamp or seal from a rubber stamp company, and make sure it contains all of the following:
- State of Washington
- Registered professional land surveyor
- Your license number
- Your name as shown on your wall certificate
Land Surveyor Seal

Approved design
The approved designs for land surveyor stamps and seals is shown above. You may use it in any size, as long as the stamp or seal is fully legible.
How to use your stamp or seal
- Your stamp or seal should be under your control at all times
- If you're both a professional engineer and a professional land surveyor, you must have a stamp for each license.
On-Site Designers
How to get your stamp or seal
It's your responsibility to get your stamp or seal. Request your stamp or seal from a rubber stamp company, and make sure it contains all of the following:
- State of Washington
- On-site Wastewater Treatment System Licensed Designer
- Your license number
- Your name as shown on your license
On-Site Designers Seal

Approved design
The approved designs for on-site designer stamps and seals is shown above. You may use it in any size, as long as the stamp or seal is fully legible.
How to use your stamp or seal
- Your stamp or seal should be under your control at all times.
- When you place your stamp or seal on a final document, you must sign in permanent ink across the face of the stamp/seal and place the date you signed immediately next to your signature.