The Board of Registration for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (Board) provides consumer protection to the public through the licensing of professional engineers, professional land surveyors, and on-site wastewater designers, as well as recommends rules and regulations for administering licensing and regulatory laws.
The Governor appoints seven board members – consisting of five professional engineers and two professional land surveyors – for a five-year term. The terms are staggered, and no board member may serve more than two consecutive terms.
Be actively engaged in the practice of engineering or land surveying for at least ten years after registration, five of which shall have been immediately prior to appointment to the board. Be a citizen of the United States and a resident of Washington for at least five years immediately preceding his or her appointment.

Marjorie Lund, PE, SE
Term Expires 7/2026

Doug Hendrickson, PE
Vice Chair
Term Expires 7/2027

David Peden, PE, SE
Term Expires 7/2025

Aaron Blaisdell, PLS
Term Expires 7/2025

Mike Harney, PE, P. Eng., ENV SP
Term Expires 7/2028

Maureen Jackson, PE
Term Expires 7/2029

Matthew Rasmussen, PE, PLS
Term Expires 7/2029
The Mission of the Board is to safeguard life, health, and property, and to promote the public welfare regarding engineering, land surveying and on-site wastewater system designs by assuring:
- THAT only qualified applicants are permitted to take the examinations for licensure.
- THAT only competent individuals are granted licensure to practice.
- THAT only licensed individuals are permitted to offer and/or provide services.
- THAT only registered businesses are authorized to provide services to the public.
- THAT all applicants, registrants, and licensees maintain a high standard of practice and compliance with applicable statutes, rules and regulations.
We accomplish these goals through balanced and fair treatment of our stakeholders, colleagues and citizens of Washington, while continuing to assure effective and efficient use of financial resources entrusted to us.
The Board accomplishes this mission by exercising its statutory authority and obligation to review and approve applications for licensure, as well as managing, updating and enforcing the rules that govern the practice of engineering, land surveying and on-site wastewater system designs within the State of Washington.
The Board further accomplishes this mission by serving the public through maintaining relationships with its licensees’ professional associations and societies, by promoting the benefits of professional licensure to post-secondary educational institutions, by interfacing with other regulatory authorities and by increasing the public's understanding of laws and rules regulating Washington’s licensed engineering, land surveying and on-site professionals.
Board & Committee meetings
The Board meets in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Act (42.30 RCW). The Board holds its annual meeting in the third week of June each year. At the annual meeting the board elects a chair and vice chair to hold office for one year commencing July 9. WAC 196-09-120.
Typically, an additional five “special” board meetings are scheduled throughout the year. These meeting dates are determined by the Board during the second-to-last board meeting of the year. Other special meetings may be called by the Board Chair. Notice of these meetings must be posted at least 24 hours before the time of the meeting as stated on the agenda.